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Getting started

The first thing you need is your database at and the corresponding secret key.

We provide an easy to use API that will get you started quickly and you don’t need to use any languages, you can use directly the REST API (see below for details about authentication).


Assuming you created a client as described above you are gonna need to login in the /v1/auth/token endpoint with the credentials you entered and get the access token which you need to send as Authentication header, in order to create a new app and get the app_id and app_secret that will be used for further authentication for any next request. So upon creating a new client and a new app you can start replicating your shop throught the app instance.

We use app_id and app_secret for authorization of any action so make sure to keep them secure and safe. -->

We are gonna need a catalog in order to store/refresh your items (products) in the shop. We request a valid url for that which must stay online at any time and provide your items in XML format. Every app can only have one catalog.

Finally we need to store user ids under the same app in order to correlate it with item interactions and provide personalized recommendations for each one of your customers (users).